
my creative outlet... writings and ramblings of the such... lyrics, poems, simple glories... enjoy what you are... this is me

Sunday, May 28


today i interracted with the sun...
i traced shades of front and back...
dancing in the light of a fallen star...
broken, bending, breathing, building

"it will take me time," i tell myself...
a little more than three more hours...
taste of winter is a flavor i cant dream...
crisp, craized, cozy, and clean

the blades of green are powerful...
images of knives in perfect harmony...
glory never fades when truth is near...
high, heavy, healing, not hopeless

every book is closed, or intellectual calling...
my mind is a well developed spring...
"harvest, harvest!" calls out the lark...
inbedded, imbroiderred, impoverished, i-titled

capitalized by frenzied propers and such...
i wait, aloud, for my turn to come...
pendulum effects robbing life like a cradle...
never, now, nocturnal, and new

"hear me roar," laughter clears its throat...
while everyone around is a cynic for a shirt...
their century cries "form follows function"...
obsessed, opressive, obnoxious, not omnipotent

Tuesday, February 28


My modern translation of "The world is too much with us:" (by William Wordsworth)
"We Are Overrun with Human Materialism"
Money, power, greed—Human materialism,
It destroys us now, it destroys us quickly;
We are giving away all that is ours—what powers we have, in this destruction:
We see and we take, but it isn’t ours;
What beauty we’ve known—
We’ve given it away with our hearts in the worst mistake of our lives.
Beauty, nature, sun, moon, and stars—where are they now in our eyes?
Our hearts do not rejoice in the howling of the wind, the greatness of the sea,
Nor the joy of springtime flowers.
We are not moved. No!
Our hearts are not changed by nature, nor its powers;
And it makes me sick!
We are weak, sickened, unchanged, and immune.
I’d rather be a fool caught up in the lies of Christianity:
Believing in what has been proven wrong by all humanity.
So, now, from where I stand,
I long for this:
That I might see the gods and their creation,
And that they would move me to joy, change,
New life!

Monday, January 2

"Late April"

have you ever woken to the sun on a spring morning?

: yes...

: that's why I normally like my bed right beside the window

and felt the warmth of the sun... and stepped outside and heard the birds singing?

and seen the dogwoods blooming?

: yeah that's an amazing experience...

its a smelly experience... but it is gorgeous...

and looked around at all the green... and seeing the flowers?

: this is an amazing picture

so then you sit in a chair with your glass of water on your rock patio in the shade...

are you enjoying this?

: definitely

so then you pick up your book and the breeze comes through the trees..

you hear it first

then you feel it

and it beckons you to grab your glass of water

the condensation is on your fingers... its just the beginning

the glass hits your lips... the water is on your tongue

it goes down your throat... how refreshing

enlivening... its a wonderful and beautiful thing

then you lift your eyes from the pages of the best book you've ever read

and among the branches and bright green leaves is a beautiful cardinal

then a blue jay flies into the the dogwood next to the pines

and a squirrel runs up one of the pines...
onto a long branch...

its jumping from tree to tree.

you cant help but feel young and free again... then you hear a splash

: what's that?

you look over at the pond and see circles expanding from where you know a bass just jumped

you begin to wonder whats going to happen next when your book draws you back into the mystery, the glory, the joy of everything you're experiencing around you... its wonderful to find such things in words...

your experience is perfect...

you know you are not hiding in the story of the book from the reality around you... no... its part of the reality, part of the conversation of life

this is beauty...

this is love.

Saturday, December 10

First Post

In the current days I've had wonders of thoughts circling my head and this is now my new outlet. Why I've chosen my new pseudonym is still unclear, and the reason or definition of Jokliem, well, it doesn't mean anything, I invented the name for the sake of an alias, this of course is of my business. Furthermore, if a writer is to have what he so desires, he must find himself free in the presence of freedom-from all forms of control and necessary means of formula, and this is why Jokliem fits well, it is none of the above, neither a name which gives me any property I haven't, nor a means to formulating victory over the commonalities of life. It is free, standing alone from all that might tame it--along with this characteristic it is new, not genuinly new as nothing on earth is, but new as defined by the fact that i just created it, or so I hope to believe. This newness gives it a hope for life that is full of light, because when something is new it has no darkness, and it is in the hope of newness that I seek to make Jokliem a mark of light, unhindered by any evil.

As for now, and you will see in the upcoming journey of Jokliem, things are joyous when things are made new. Joy is full of hope when it sees the light without blemish of darkness--this is for the benefit of grace, forgiveness, and all the characteristics of love. I dare not go much further in musing of such things when things have just started out as they have. But I must be constantly reminded, and you should as well, that without what we have--that is all that has been given to us by grace, we are nothing. For life itself is a gift of grace, and to live outside of this is to leave the bounds that hold life together, and to take these things which are not ours--as our lives are not, and do with them as we choose, rather than to be held in the hands of love.

I am Jokliem, servant of God, but one in much question with much to learn, and if I state nothing other than my purpose, here is my desire for my life, that I would first learn of God from everything and everyone around me--that nothing that I would convince myself is have is half as beneficial to the world as what the world has to benefit me as a servant of God. For I am first a servant of God, second a student of God's world, and anything beyond that is nothing for me to decide. That I may seek these things above all worldly desires, I cannot be fulfilled in the life that they would want me to have, only can I find a full life in the servitude of His Kingdom.

And without saying more, I must rest in need, for I have spoken once again before I have sought, and this I know is trouble in all forms.